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5 Ways Water Benefits Your Self-Care

5 Ways Water Benefits Your Self-Care

Self-care does not always entail getting a pedicure or a massage. There are various things that you can adjust in your day to day life that practice self-care. Many of these daily practices consist of nutrition. Our last blog talked about how eating organically will help your physical and mental wellbeing. This article will focus on the importance of hydration and other ways water is beneficial to your health. This is not a new concept, but you may be curious about specific benefits and why it helps your body. Read below for new tips and insights on water and self-care. 

  • Start and end your day with a glass of water: Drinking water in the morning will start you with a large boost of energy. Having a glass of water right before you sleep will help your immunity by flushing out harmful toxins. It is important to have water right before you sleep because each time you exhale you are losing a bit of water. For this reason you need to replenish the water you are losing throughout the day and night. Water also improves your blood flow.
  • Add fruit to your diet: Hydrating your body does not only come from water intake. Fruits have an extremely high water content. Melons and strawberries are more than 90% water content. Other fruits that are high in water content are oranges, peaches, plums, blueberries, apricots and pineapples. If you want to turn your fruit intake into a treat, consider making fruit juice popsicles! 
  • Filter your tap water: Filtering your tap water will not only improve the taste, it removes debris and harmful contaminants that can be found in tap water. If you currently drink water out of plastic bottles, try filtering your tap in order to cut down on plastic bottles. Filtering does not only apply to your drinking water as you can install a complete house water system. This allows you to cook and bathe with clean water.
  • Take a relaxing bath: Set apart a time out of your week to relax and take a bath. Soaking in hot water will relieve joint pain and soothe sore muscles. You can add bubble bath or other salts to add more aroma to the bath. Hydrotherapy works wonders on the body adding another way water can aid you in your self-care journey.   
  • How much water should you consume: It is important to understand that each person is different. You may have heard that 2 liters of water a day is recommended. This is not necessarily true for everyone as this rule is very generalized. Your body will tell you if you are properly hydrated by the color of your urine. You want to avoid over hydrating just as you should avoid becoming dehydrated. 

  • Your body needs water in order to properly care for it. Proper hydration allows you to manage stress and respond better to difficult situations. Take control of your emotions and mood by providing proper self care to your physical needs. Check out more blogs on the STEADY website to learn more self care tips. 

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