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5 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life

5 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life

No matter where you are in life there is always room to add a little more positivity. One of the most meaningful ways to influence positivity is by implementing good habits. Whether you are looking to make significant changes or just small ones, habits are the way you will accomplish change. Habits are who you are. A habit can be defined as a tendency or action that you do without thinking about it. 

Before we start to list specifics, remember to believe in your ability to change. Habits and routines are often difficult to break out of. At first it will take a conscious effort, however with time it will become second nature. Here are 5 habits that will be beneficial to your self-care goals. 

Plan out your day: Planning out your day the night before you go to sleep can save you time in the morning. Or perhaps planning in the morning as you arise is more beneficial for you. Whichever time is better for you, planning will help you save time and prioritize all of the thoughts in your head. Planning may feel tedious at first, but with time it will become apparent that the time spent planning is made up for. Another benefit to planning is you will not feel as overwhelmed because your to-do list has been narrowed down.      

Avoid looking at your phone when you first wake up: Although our phones are a tool to help us communicate and work, they can also be a distraction and source of stress. Checking your phone the moment you wake up is actually priming your brain to be distracted throughout the day. If you also happen to read something negative first thing it can trigger feelings of stress and anxiety in the morning. When you first wake up your brain is in search of something productive and beneficial. For example, you could exercise or speak face to face with a loved one. 

Go for a walk daily: Another beneficial thing you could do in the morning is appreciate the real world around you by going for a walk. If the morning does not work for your schedule you can go in the middle of the day right before the afternoon slump. Walking outside even if it is just around the block will benefit your mind and body. 

Stretch or practice yoga: Yoga gives you an opportunity to slow down and be in control. Control your breathing and focus on achieving balance. Finding time to do this everyday will help you achieve a state of relaxation.  

Start and finish your day with a glass of water: A lot of people get so caught up with their busy work days that they tend to put off drinking enough water. Get in the habit of starting your day with a glass of water as this will give you a large boost of energy in the morning. Having a glass of water right before bed will benefit your immunity and help your body flush out toxins.

Be patient as you go about forming healthy habits and check out STEADY for more tips on self-care practices. 

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